
Immaculate Ice Cream and Pregnant Nuns

A saucy new ad in the UK has all of the Catholics with their panties in a bunch. Who knew that pregnant nuns were a hot button for them? Or maybe they just don't like women eating ice cream. Either way, there's quite some uproar over this little amusing picture. The ad was pulled because the Advertising Standards Authority thought it wasn't fair to mock the beliefs of the Roman Catholics. But Antonio Federici, the blasphemer who would dare show a woman eating ice cream(god reserved that for men, like all the good things), plans to post more ads that are a "a continuation of the theme". Can you imagine the gall of it all?! Posting ads that don't hurt anyone and that are being paid for by the company! How dare they do such a thing! It's just outrageous that they don't spend every last dime kowtowing to religious sensibilities.

The UK based company wanted to "comment on and question, using satire and gentle humour, the relevance and hypocrisy of religion and the attitudes of the church to social issues". Boy, in America those would be fightin' words! But Antonio is undeterred by the banning, which isn't his first at that. The company plans to put up more ads with a similar theme, along and around the Pope's route around Westminster Cathedral.

Personally, I look forward to more ads by Antonio Federici and all the bunched Catholic underpants that it will result in. But if I were him, I would be seriously glad that the church can't burn people at the stake anymore. Because you know they'd break out the kindling if they could get away with it.

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