
Hilariously Hypocritical Monument Humbled

The forces of nature are often something you wouldn't want to trifle with, but occasionally they produce some pretty amusing things. I am, of course, referring to Touchdown Jesus. Apparently the Almighty couldn't be bothered to avert a simple lightning strike and save the hideously oversized monstrosity. That or maybe Thor was in a mood for some smiting(he has that hammer after all). Whether it be the ineptitude of the almighty or Thor's righteous hammer(or if you're one of those thinking types, just simple random lightning), the results are the same. Absolutely hysterical!

It never ceases to amaze me just how much the religious are willing to waste on such nonsense. Especially considering what the bible says about idol worship. But this particular monument takes the cake as far as gaudy lawn ornaments go. Lawn gnomes are much classier if you ask me and they certainly cost a fair deal less. I mean really, couldn't you find a better use for $250,000? Maybe, let's say, building a house for the less fortunate, providing medical treatment for the sick, sending aid to a country in the midst of disaster, or giving food to the starving. But no, tacky religiously inspired lawn decorations are more important. Now it's going to cost $700,000 to repair it? Really? I guess you need deep pockets if you really love the lord.

The even more mind boggling aspect of all of this is what Jesus had to say about wealth. Something about a camel having a better chance of going through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting into heaven, I believe(Matthew 19:24). Yet they have no problem spending nearly a million dollars on a piece of tacky lawn art. I'd cite the bible passages on hypocrisy(Matthew 7:3-5), but I'm absolutely certain that the bible is the one thing that isn't read in church(or at least most of it is ignored unless it supports their homophobic, racist world view. Leviticus anyone?).

Now with all of that said, I have to run out and buy several thousand tubes of superglue. Those pop cans aren't going to assemble themselves. I've got a hunch that Elvis is going to make a come back in my front yard and bigger than life(in your face Jesus, there's only one King!).